Friday, April 1, 2011

Arizona's New Abortion Law

Arizona has become the first state in the United States to make abortion illegal for doctors to do based on the sex and race of the fetus. Some say that this is a rediculous law because there is not proof that this these abortions are even occurring. Abortion is legal and this law only adds to the senstive topic that is still highly debated by some whether or not it should be legal at all. "We can all agree that the idea of having "sex-based or race-based abortions is bad," says Jeanne Sager at The Stir. Sager feels politicians are trying to police womens thoughts which can't be done in a free country. This law came about because some believe that parents are getting abortions once they find out the sex if the baby and especially if it is a girl. I am not sure if this is occurring or not. Evidence is still unclear because I am sure many girls do not reveal the real reason they are interested in abortion. But I am very conservative when it comes to abortion and feel that it should not be permitted. There are other options like adoption. The unexpected life is still a life no matter what sex or race.

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