Friday, February 25, 2011

Republican Bil Passed by the Sate of Wisconsin

This past Friday the Wisconsin State Assemply passed a Republican bill to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights. The people of Wisconsin have not lost their rights yet. The bill still has to pass the state Senate. Since news of the bill passing by the Assembly, 14 Democratic senators have feld the state to Illinois to prevent from voting on the bill. This bill has been protested by thousands and many have urged the 14 senators to come back and debate the issue. Republican Governor Scott Walker said that if Wisconsin legislature does not pass his bill, state aid could be cut by $1 billion. Walker said, " Wisconsin State employees have the strongest civil protections in the country, That's not going to change in this bill. It's not about the union boss coming in from other parts of the country. It's about whether we protect the taxpayers and the workers." However, Walker was recorded during a prank call discussing the idea of luring the Democrats away to talk to the assembly while the 19 Republicans settle the bill. Wisconsin faces a $137 million budget shortfall by June 30 and a $3.6 billion gap by 2013.

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